Searching the Odd Shoe Finder database

We know that the oddshoefinder search facility can be a bit quirky at times so we’ve done this post to make things easier for you to get that search right.

There’s probably nothing more disheartening than to read that ominous message in red:

 sorry there are no results which fit your criteria, please broaden your search or try again later


However, there’s a reasonable chance that you’ve just simply made an error when searching.

search oddshoefinderTo search correctly, make sure you complete all the spaces circled in the example on the left.

Results from this search will bring up all Athletic mens shoes with (US) size Left 8 and Right 7.

If you leave out “shoe type” ,  “seller age” or “country” you will receive listings for all the shoes that match.

In the example on the right,

HowtoSearch-OSF-2 leaving out any details for the right foot will return all results for Athletic mens left size 8.

That’s what you should do if you’re searching for a single shoe.

Note that even though somebody has listed a pair, you can always approach the seller and see if they’ll sell you a single shoe.

HowtoSearch3You can also search for a range of sizes.

In the example on the left, the search engine will look for all Athletic mens shoes with left shoe size 8 to 8.5.

However, because in this example the searcher has mistakenly put the size of the right shoe as “7.5 TO 7.0” instead of “7.0 to 7.5” , the results will show an error.  The second size MUST be larger than the first mentioned.

Likewise, entering a range from a number to “n/a” will also result in an error.

Please contact us if you are having any problems getting a search result. we have a large database of shoes, so chances are that we have something for you.



Author: admin

Colin hails from Melbourne, Australia and has worn shoes for over forty years now.